Our goal, in addition to sending in free Bibles and Christian books for every home in the country of Belize, was to minister to the Coast Guard there. God had spoken to my heart; as we had three Marines, three army, and a Navy person on our mission trip from the US, we thought it would be appropriate for us to be able to minister to their military. We were scheduled to speak to the Belize Coast Guard one morning after preaching the gospel on a secular radio program; however, we stopped for breakfast and while sitting at breakfast prior to our meeting, we got a call that said the plans have fallen through and we were no longer allowed to go. I understood whose I was however, and what God put on my heart, and I said “We’re going, in the name of Jesus.” Right then, the son of the prime minister of the entire country walked into the hotel when we were eating breakfast. I was introduced to him and asked him, “Brother, please give me your undivided attention as we have come to your country to be a blessing and give every home the ability to have a Bible and a Christian book.” I went on to tell him that the table where I was sitting was filled with United States military men who wanted to come and speak to the Belize military about what it is to be a man’s man, God’s man, and the difference that He made in our lives. I went on to tell the prime minister’s son that our trip to the Belize Coast Guard got canceled. He went on to lift up his phone and said “Hold on, let me call the Minister of Defense.” While on the call he said, “I understand” hung up and then looked at me and said I’m sorry, the Minister of Defense is not available. However, give me a few minutes to finish my breakfast I will give you a personal escort to the base. The Belize main military base. We followed the prime minister’s son, got to the base where they gave us a platoon of men. Their Colonel was so drunk that he had alcohol coming out of his pores. As we began to speak, the individuals of the military weren’t listening. Then I spoke about what it is to be tough but also submissive to God our Father. As we began to listen and ‘Michael Maher’ began to do worship, a soldier visiting from another country heard the music that ‘Michael’ was playing and came in and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Then each member of our group stood up and told their testimony. I ended with a short message and then gave these men the opportunity to ask Jesus Christ into their life. Seven hands went up to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The rest of the platoon was emotionally wrecked. God moved miraculously. The gentleman who had been drunk, the Colonel, started quoting scripture and rededicated his life to the Lord. My point to all of this is that if God has put something on your heart and you know that you are to accomplish it for Him, let nothing stop you from doing it. Have faith, understand who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.