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4 days ago
Mission Cry

Because of you, Mission Cry was able to provide Phil with some Spanish Bibles and children's books for his mission trip to Colombia. These Bibles were such a blessing to so many people that are hungry for the Gospel. Phil was able to witness many great miracles of healing the sick, setting people free and giving them hope in the darkness! Thank you and may God bless you for your partnership! ...

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Lord Almighty, I sincerely seek your presence in a tangible way. Reveal yourself to me, Mighty Supreme Being. I will not keep silent, I will speak my mind. - Hear my lament, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. I am broken, come to my aid. I’m afflicted, I’m in anguish. Into your hands, I commit my spirit. - Take the veil from my mind, break my hardened heart. Open my spiritual eyes and ears, I was deceived by a lack of knowledge. I leaned, on my own perception. - Forgive my ignorance, I thought I was righteous. Take me from the broad road of lies, put me on the narrow path of truth. Sorry, if I sin willfully. - Sorry for my inherited-imputed-personal behaviour, deliver me from my hidden faults. Keep me from unintentional sin, forgive me of any offense. - I repent, for using your name in vain. By my will, I surrender all. I submit myself to you in reverence, I will praise your name. I trust you, I believe in you. - I did not know that my wages of sin is death, I pray for a witness to vindicate me. No one is like you, remember me when I come into your Kingdom. - To know you as the true God, is to know your Son whom you sent. If I deny the Son, I don’t know the Father. Those who don’t honor you, don’t trust your Son. - None can come to the Father, except through your Son. You didn’t send him to condemn me, but to save me. Those who don’t honor your Son, don’t trust you. - I declare Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, as a sinless man he died on the cross for me. My debt was paid, when his blood was shed for me. - He made a way out of Hell, when he said it is finished. I believe wholeheartedly that God raised him from the dead on the 3rd day, where he ascended to Heaven. - I accept the free gift of grace alone, I receive the Sabbath rest from God by faith alone. The work of the Father is this, to believe in his Son alone. - Lord, I love you. You are my only hope, sustain me. Your word is my living bread, renew a right spirit within me. Surround me with a sphere, when I pray. - Anoint me Jesus and make me holy, fill me with your living water. Holy Spirit, purify me with your spiritual fire. I am now a born again, new creation in Christ. - I’m uniquely and wonderfully made, I’m created in the image of God. I’m an heir of the Creator and a joint heir with Jesus, I’m forgiven. - I'm an overcomer, I’m a survivor. I pray for peace over those who persecute me, I bless those with love who are not my own and I forgive those who wrong me. - I’m anchored to the King, I am marked-sealed-secured by the Holy Spirit. I am sanctified-glorified-justified, by the finished work on the cross. - He is a Way Maker-Miracle Worker-Promise Keeper, he never gave up on me. Receive my prayer like incense, my worship is my offering to you. - God has reconciled me to himself, through Christ. I’m free, I’m loved. I'm worthy, I'm enough. He's my refuge, he's my shield. I'm brave, I’m not afraid. - With authority I resist the Devil who accuses me before God, I will not be put to shame. Jesus will defend me, he is my advocate-intercessor-mediator. - I trust my inner witness, who will truthfully review my life. By my testimony and by the blood of the Lamb, I plead not guilty to all charges against me.

Yay! GOD!

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1 week ago
Mission Cry

So excited for our volunteers, Ron & Katherine that had the opportunity to visit our missionary in Ghana. Thanks, Clement for the hospitality! I know they were blessed. Clement Sarpong

So excited for our volunteers, Ron & Katherine that had the opportunity to visit our missionary in Ghana. Thanks, Clement for the hospitality! I know they were blessed.  Clement Sarpong

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God is working pray you guys come over Liberia


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2 weeks ago
Mission Cry

They say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." This picture is worth far more because of what the Gospel message offers--God's love and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ! The impact of Mission Cry supporters is having around the world is amazing. God bless you all for your faithful partnership. ...

They say, a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture is worth far more because of what the Gospel message offers--Gods love and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ! The impact of Mission Cry supporters is having around the world is amazing. God bless you all for your faithful partnership.

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Amazing what God is doing!✝️

Great Impact!


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3 weeks ago
Mission Cry

Thank you message from our recipients in Cape Town, South African! ...

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Greetings from Malawi. We need th resources for evangelism and discipleship, and prison ministry

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3 weeks ago
Mission Cry

Praise God. The container sent a couple of months ago has arrived in Cape Town, South Africa. Please be praying as these Bibles and Christian material is shared with the people of Cape Town. Thank you for partnering with Mission Cry to help spread the Gospel message.

3 weeks ago
Mission Cry

It was an exciting week at Mission Cry being able to send out two containers to Ghana and Cape Town with 75,000 pounds of Bibles and Christian material. This material has a value of over a half a million dollars for each container. Our leftover Bibles and Christian books are helping so many people around the world to learn about the one true God! Please be praying for the container and our missionary in Ghana as he distributes these precious books. Thank you for everyone that helps make this happen. RBP World Missionary Press, Inc.

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Praying for you 🙏 ❤️

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3 weeks ago
Mission Cry

What a pleasure to have the pastor and staff from the Brighton Nazarene Church come for a tour of Mission Cry. They were amazed at the impact of what Mission Cry has been able to do. Sending Bibles for nearly 70 years to people that don't have access or cannot afford one. This reminded them of what many of us take for granted easy access to Bibles. Stop by for a tour and bring your church, family, friends. You will be blessed! The NAZ Family

What a pleasure to have the pastor and staff from the Brighton Nazarene Church come for a tour of Mission Cry. They were amazed at the impact of what Mission Cry has been able to do. Sending Bibles for nearly 70 years to people that dont have access or cannot afford one. This reminded them of what many of us take for granted easy access to Bibles. Stop by for a tour and bring your church, family, friends. You will be blessed! The NAZ Family
3 weeks ago
Mission Cry

Well, another container is on its way to Cape Town, South Africa. How exciting to be partnering with Northview Christian Church to help send Bibles and Christian material to our new ministry partner, South African Christian Mission. Together with this new partnership Mission Cry has pledged to send three containers per year. Please consider being a part of this great mission to send the Word of God around the world. Also, be in prayer for safe passage of these precious books. Thank you to our many partners that help make this happen! ...

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Thank you from SACM Cape Town SA. We received the container on Friday, 7 March ❤️

Wonderful ministry

May the Lord guide and protect. This is a huge blessing to our brothers and sisters in South Africa.

What a blessing


Praise the Lord Sir. Establish your Mission work in India 🇮🇳

God bless Mission CRY from the Philippines.

Yahooooo you are finding others to take the Bible's

Caleb Currie Check this out.

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4 weeks ago
Mission Cry

The Mission Cry office will be closing early today at 1:00 p.m. Sorry for the inconvenience. Will reopen for regular hours Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00 p.m. ...

4 weeks ago
Mission Cry

Exciting week at Mission Cry. Sending out two containers Thursday and Friday. And had our wonderful new partners from Project 5 2 deliver another load of Bibles that will be sent around the world. Several boxes will be included on the container heading to Cape Town, South Africa tomorrow and eventually on the container going to India. What a blessing Jerry and Tracy have been. Please be praying for safety of the two containers leaving Mission Cry heading to Cape Town and Ghana. Please consider supporting these containers that make such an impact around the world! ...

Exciting week at Mission Cry. Sending out two containers Thursday and Friday. And had our wonderful new partners from Project 5 2 deliver another load of Bibles that will be sent around the world. Several boxes will be included on the container heading to Cape Town, South Africa tomorrow and eventually on the container going to India. What a blessing Jerry and Tracy have been. Please be praying for safety of the two containers leaving Mission Cry heading to Cape Town and Ghana. Please consider supporting these containers that make such an impact around the world! attachment

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Botswana also need bibles. Bless you and wishing you well.

Praise God!

waiting in jesus name

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