G300 Discipleship Program
God knows whether we are synthetic (fake) or authentic (the real deal). He knows the things we struggle with, so his Word covers all of it. The following areas, if followed God’s way, will produce a move of God not only in your life but in others as well.
These topics will be the chapters of our upcoming G300 Discipleship Program textbook. Also included will be testimonials, true stories, our view, God’s view, quotes and questions. Additionally, these chapters will provide answers for the areas in life where we can fail miserably or be a conqueror.
In addition to a snapshot of the contents of the G300 program, we are giving you a journal template meant to be printed and coupled with the program, or used on its own. There are seven pages included here for your daily journal entries; to obtain 365 pages, please print multiple copies of pages 4-10. We can also email you a file including enough pages for 365 days, ready for double-sided printing with margins upon request. The journal file can be found at the button above.
Chapters in the upcoming G300 Discipleship Program
The Code of Conduct for the G300 Disciple can be described in three words: Honor, Courage, Commitment. These three elements will help shape the ethical conduct for each disciple, as well as dictate ethical behavior as a believer. This code of conduct will get each G300 disciple through times of peace, times of war, and even times when one seems to be a prisoner of war. This Code of Conduct will mandate each G300 disciple the correct and right response during both good times and bad.
Article I: I am a child of God, His elite warrior. I will show obedience by upholding His principles and commandments and fight against the principalities of evil.
Article II: I am the spiritual leader in my home. If married, I am the spiritual leader in my family and I will be an effective husband and parent.
Article III: I will maintain a strong presence in my community, and step forward to lead when called to do so.
Article IV: I will protect my mind and thoughts: I will not consume pornographic images, unsound music, or unwholesome television programming.
Article V: I will practice forgiveness on all levels.
Article VI: I will dress myself in the armor of God daily.
Article VII: I will commit to prayer, worship and devotional study.
Article VIII: I will put forth my best effort for both outward and inward appearance.
Article IX: I am a defender of God and Christ, loving them above family, friends, and self, being willing to give up everything to follow Christ.
Article X: I will cheerfully tithe 10% of gross income and give in other areas as prompted by the Holy Spirit.
Article XI: I will boldly disciple and bring others to Christ. I will be led by the Holy Spirit, seeking his guidance and power.
Article XII: I will tell my children and their children of our history and what God has done for us.
General Order 1
To fear not my enemies
General Order 2
To be God’s warrior and cry out to God
General Order 3
To read of God’s miracles and tell others of them
General Order 4
To view myself as God does, not as man does
General Order 5
To prepare offerings to God
General Order 6
To tear down any false idols or gods in my life or home
General Order 7
To assemble with other Godly men
General Order 8
To continue to stand even though the enemy comes against me
General Order 9
To step out in faith and rely on God and his Holy Spirit to fill me for help
General Order 10
To spend time with God sharing my concerns
General Order 11
To worship God and give him credit
General Order 12
To lead and take my God-given place in life
Dream big! Watch what God does as you go through this program. At the end, there are scripture references to help guide you through different circumstances of life, according to God’s Word.