Mission Cry is doing a Bible drive  Feb. 1 – April 30, and we need your help! Please click on the buttons below to print our banner or flyer, and distribute it in your church and wherever else you might find fitting. Thank you!

[one_half][button text=”Download Flyer” href=”http://cribooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/BibleDrive_Flyer.pdf” target=”_blank” anchor=0 align=”center” size=”small” color=”” bg_color=”#00427e” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=””][/one_half][one_half_last][button text=”Download Banner” href=”http://cribooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Bible_Drive_Banner.pdf” target=”_blank” anchor=0 align=”center” size=”small” color=”” bg_color=”#00427e” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=””][/one_half_last]