Happy Thanksgiving from Mission Cry CRI to you! Here’s a message from Executive Director that will deeply bless you. 

Being Thankful on Thanksgiving!


I recently listened to the song titled “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” it was a reminder to me of the bible verse Matthew 10:29. We read that he knows if a sparrow falls to the ground, and goes on to say how much more are we to him than a sparrow!


Recently in our community within the last week, I read of the tragic story of man who just miles from my home nearly lost his life and currently sitting in the hospital with no legs.  While driving along he noticed a woman who had pulled off the side of the road and broke down he proceeded to get out of his car, to push her to safety!  As he was pushing her to the side of the road a car came from behind and instantly crushed him and literally took his legs off!  Rushed to the hospital where he fought for his life is currently stable!  Alive, he lays without two legs for the sake of pulling over to help someone.


I know that the story is hard to read especially the day before Thanksgiving but I hope that it’s a reminder to you as it is to me that we need to be thankful for our lives and our family.  I was in awe at the man’s response saying that he was thankful for the prayers that have been coming in for him!  BUT, he asked for prayers for the older man who hit him, as he is struggling and have a difficult time due to what he has done.


Each of us have so many things to be thankful for!  Please take a moment and reflect on what God has done for you in the past!  Regardless of whatever situation that you’re going through, if we call on God we have something to be thankful for!  The man I was just writing about is thankful he is alive and ready to be married!


Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.



My thanksgiving prayer for you is that you be reminded that if God’s eye on the sparrow, how much more does he know your needs and desires.  Thank him for what he has done, giving thanks in all things!