TL has been imprisoned and beaten to near death, for simply distributing the Bible and Christian books. He mentioned that he would always hand out food, clothes etc. without problem but once he started handing out the Bible, things began to get violent. After all of the problems, he continues to understand the importance of distributing the word of God. He came earlier this year in hopes to get a few pallets or boxes of books to continue. Instead, you partnering together with us, made it possible for him to receive nearly half a million dollars of used Bibles and Christian books.

Additionally, while trekking into Burma he was on three occasions thrown into jail, the last time he was thrown in a 3×7 cell without food or water with nine other prisoners in that same cell. Even with his son under attack, they believe as a family that they will continue to distribute the Word regardless of the Hindusand Buddhists that come against them and try to stop them. Lastly, your support is making it possible for his Bible college tobe recognized now that he has enough Bibles and books toestablish a Bible college library. I wonder how many people will greet you in Heaven. Thank you for changing their eternity.